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IPv6 BGP Notes


Forming neighbors

– Enpoint IP addresses

     -> IPv4

     -> IPv6

Exchanging networks (payload)

– Address families

     -> IPv4

     -> IPv6

     -> VPNv4

     -> VPNv6

     -> VRF

When other address families are activated, the IPv4 address family is added

Address Family Identifier (AFI)

 – ipv4

 – ipv6

 – vpnv4

 – vpnv6

Subsequent Address Family Identifier (SAFI)

 – unicast

 – multicast

 – vrf

router bgp 100

 address-family <afi> <safi>

IPv4 is the default address family

 – To disable

router bgp 100

 no bgp default ipv4-unicast


router bgp 100

 no bgp default ipv4-unicast

 neighbor 2001::2 remotes-as 200

 address-family ipv6 unicast

  neighbor 2001::2 activate

  network 1111::1/128

sh bgp ipv6 unicast

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