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IS-IS Notes


– Link state routing protocol

-> 0xFEFE

-> 0x0800

– Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP)

– Like an IP protocol suite in OSI model

-> Router

-> Intermediate System (IS)

-> End host

-> End System (ES)

-> OSI protocol

-> Directly works over layer 2

-> Integrated IS-IS can have payload of IPv4 or IPv6


IS-IS uses the following parameters

– IS-IS Hello (IIH)

– Link State Packet (LSP)

-> Database IS-IS

– Complete Sequence Number PDU (CSNP)

-> A list of database entries

– Partial Sequence Number PDU (PSNP)

-> A request to send LSPs




Neighbor Formation

– IIH must match the following

-> Authentication

-> IS type

-> MTU

-> Priority

-> system-id / area-id


Link can be point-to-point or multi-access

– Network types

-> Point-to-point

-> Broadcast

-> DIS is elected (Designated Intermediate System)

-> Highest priority selected

-> Highest Subnet Point of Attachment (SNPA)

-> MAC address (ethernet)

-> Frame-relay DLCI

-> Highest system-id

-> DIS election is pre-emptive


SNAP Address

– Subnetwork Access Point

– 20 butes represented in HEX

-> Bytes 1 – 13

-> area-id

-> Bytes 14 – 20

-> Network Selector Field

-> Always equal to “00”

A SNAP address with a NSEL part 0 Network Entity Title (NET) address

-> Must be an even number of bytes


IS-IS Area and Backbone Network

– Level-1

-> Router configuration mode

-> Similar to a NSSA

– Level-2

-> Interface configuration mode

-> Similar to Area 0 routers

– Level-1-2

– The level decides which updates can be received

– Two routers can be in different areas and still form neighbors

-> This means IS-IS areas are per router, as opposed to OSPF which is area per-link






All routers and links, by default, are Level-1-2

– Within an area, L-1-2 neighbors can be formed

– Between areas, only L-2 neighbors can be formed

– A consecutive set of Level-2 adjacencies is called a backbone, which may include several routers

-> The Level-2 adjacencies cannot be discontiguous

– The Level-1-2 router on the edge will send all Level-1 LSP with attached it set towards Level-1 routers


IS-IS Data Flow Procedures

– Receive operation

-> Updates are received as LSP

– Update operation

-> Updates are sent as LSP

– Decision operation

-> SPF algorithm finding the best routes

– Forward operation

-> Create CEF table entries with the best routes


IS-IS Metric

– Metric is cost

– Cost is constant 10 everywhere

-> No calculation

– By default, “narrow metric” is used

-> 6 bit

-> 1 – 63

– Can be changed to “wide metric”

-> 2^24

– “Wide metric” is needed for MPLS TE


IS-IS Topology

– Single topology

-> IPv4 and IPv6 address-families share the same path calculation

-> IPv4 and IPv6 has to be enabled on all interfaces configured for IS-IS

-> The interfaces doesn’t necessarily need both IPv4 and / or IPv6 addresses configured

– Multi topology

-> IPv4 and IPv6 address-families calculate best paths independently

-> IPv4 and IPv6 configuration independent

-> Interfaces configured for IS-IS can have IPv4 enabled, IPv6 enabled, or both

– For IOS routers, the default configuration is single topology

– For XR routers, the default configuration is multi topology




Configuring IS-IS

IOS Router

(config)# router isis [<name>}

-> default name is NULL

 net 49.001.0000.0000.1111.00

int lo0

 ip routing isis

 ipv6 routing isis

int fa0/0

 ip routing isis

 ipv6 routing isis


XR Router

(config)# router isis <name>

 net 49.0001.0000.0000.1111.00

-> area: area 49.0001

-> system:  .0000.0000.1111

-> NSEL:  .00


 int lo0

  address-family ipv4 unicast

  address-family ipv6 unicast

 int g0/0/0/0

  address-family ipv4 unicast

  address-family ipv6 unicast


show clns neighbor

show isis neighbor

-> “L1 L2 neighbors”


IOS (Level type, interface)

int e0/0

 isis circuit-type level-1


XR (Level type, interface)

router isis ABC

 int g0/0/0/0

  circuit-type level-1


IOS (Level type, entire router)

router isis

 is-type level-1


XR (Level type, entire router)

router isis ABC

is-type level-1


IOS (Timers)

int e0/0

 isis hello-interval <sec>

 isis hello-multiplier <count>


XR (Timers)

router isis ABC

 int g0/0/0/0

  hello-interval <sec>

  hello-multiplier <count>



int e0/0

 isis priority <value>

     -> 0 – 127

     -> 64 is default

 isis metric <value> [ level-1 | level-2 ]

 isis password <password>

 isis network { point-to-point | broadcast }


Route Leaking

– Routes can be leaked from Level-1 to Level-2

– and visa versa


On IOS Level-1-2 Router

router isis

 redistribute isis ip level-2 into level-1 { distribute-list <name> | route-map <name> }

access-list <number> permit | deny <protocol> <source> <wildcard> <destination> <wildcard>

-> network leaked – <source> <wildcard>

-> subnet mask to match – <destination> <wildcard>


Scenario -> Leak the loopback of R3 to R1

R2(config)# access-list 100 permit ip

ip prefix-list ABC permit

route-map LEAK

 match ip add prefix-list ABC



(config)# router-policy POLICY1

 if destination in (


  end if

router isis ABC

 address-family ipv4

 propagate level-2 into level-1 route-policy POLICY1



(config)# mpls ip

 mpls label protocol ldp

 ip cef

 int fa0/0

  mpls ip



(config)# mpls ldp

 int fa0/0

 int s0/0



sh run mpls ldp


Potential Problems


Mismatched Level 1 and Level 2 interfaces

Misconfigured NSAPs (NET)

Duplicate system IDs

Mismatched MTUs

Mismatched IP addresses and subnets

Mismatched topologies (single vs. multi)

Mismatched metrics (narrow vs. wide)

– Log Messages:

– TLV contents different, code 128

-> TLV 128 – IP Internal Reachability (narrow)

– TLV code mismatch

– TLV contents different, code 135

-> TLV 135 – Extended IP Reachability (wide)


Verification (IOS): 


sh clns nei

sh clns is-nei

sh clns int

sh isis nei

sh isis spf-log

sh isis database

sh isis database detail

-> Use to determine whether single topology or multitopolgy is configured

sh isis ip topology

sh isis ipv6 topology

sh clns

sh clns protocol

-> Shows the metric types that are generated and accepted

sh ip protocols

sh ipv6 protocols

sh isis topology

sh clns nei detail

sh clns int <int>

sh ip route isis

sh ipv6 route isis


debug isis adj-packets

debug isis update-packets

debug spf-events


Verification (XR):


sh isis

-> Shows the metric types that are generated and accepted

sh isis nei

sh isis int bri

sh isis spf-log

sh isis database

sh isis database detail

-> Use to determine whether single topology or multitopology is configured

-> Multitopology entries:

Metric: 10         MT (IPv6 Unicast) IPv6 2002:9:9::1/128

Metric: 10         MT (IPv6 Unicast) IPv6 2002:9:9:11::/64

Metric: 10         MT (IPv6 Unicast) IPv6 2002:9:9:18::/64

-> Singe topology entries:

Metric: 10         IPv6 2002:9:9::1/128

Metric: 10         IPv6 2002:9:9:11::/64

Metric: 10         IPv6 2002:9:9:18::/64


sh isis ipv4 topology

sh isis ipv6 topology

sh protocols

sh protocols ipv6

sh route isis

sh route ipv6 isis


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