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OSPF Notes

OSPF -> Open Shortest Path First:

– Open standard
– IP protocol 89
– Multicast addresses
-> – all routers
-> – all DR
– Metric is cost
– Link state protocol
– Uses 3 tables
-> Neighbor table
-> Database table
-> Routing table
– SPF algorithm
– Uses Designated Router and Backup Designated Router concept on multiaccess networks
– Uses concept of areas
– Types of packets
-> Hello
-> Database Descriptors (DBD)
-> Link State Request (LSR)
-> Link State Update (LSU)
-> Link State Acknowledgment (LSAck)

Neighbor formation
– Hellos are sent to
– Hello packet
-> Router-id (must be unique)
-> Area-id (must match)
-> Timers (must match)
-> hello timer – 10 sec (LAN) | 30 sec (WAN)
-> dead timer – 40 sec (LAN) | 120 sec (WAN)
-> Authentication
-> Network / subnet mask (must match)
-> MTU (must match)
-> Number of neighbors in the segment (must match)

Finite State Machine (FSM)
1. Down – no hellos sent
2. Attempt – frame-relay or non-broadcast networks where multicast hellos will not work
3. INIT – Hello is sent to
4. 2-WAY – Parameters in hello packets match and both routers list each other as neighbors in hello packets
5. EXSTART – Master / Slave election; router-ids are compared (higher is better)
6. EXCHANGE – DBDs are exchanged (header information of the database, not the entire database)
7. Loading – Exchange of database
8. Full – Both routers are completely synchronized

Steps 1 – 4, a basic neighborship is formed
Step 8, fully adjacent neighborship

Neighborship Control
– Timers -> 10 / 40
int fa0/0
ip ospf hello-interval <sec>
ip ospf dead-interval <sec>

sh ip ospf interface

int fa0/0
ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier <number of hellos>
-> dead interval set to 1 sec
-> Hello -> e.g. – 4 times a second, every 250 ms

– Passive interface
-> multicast hello processing is disabled
router ospf 1
passive-interface { default | <int> }

sh ip protocols

Manual Neighborship
– Only allowed on non-broadcast multi-access (NBMA) networks
router ospf 1
neighbor <ip address>

OSPF Authentication
– 3 types
-> type 0 – NULL
-> type 1 – plain text
-> type 2 – MD5
– Configuration
-> Interface – connected neighbor must be configured
-> Area-wide – all routers in the area must be configured

Interface level configuration
– Plain text (type 1)
int s0/0
ip ospf authentication
ip ospf authentication-key <password>

– MD5 (type 2)
int s0/0
ip ospf authentication
ip ospf message-digest-key <id> md5 <password>

Area Wide Authentication

Scenario -> Configure area wide authentication on R1 for area 0, but R2 is not configured for authentication, so skip s0/0 of R1.

R1(config)# router ospf 1
area 0 authentication
-> all interfaces must now use authentication
int s0/1
ip ospf authentication-key <password>
int s0/2
ip ospf authentication-key <password>
int s0/0
ip ospf authentication NULL

Interface configuration is preferred over area wide authentication

Virtual-links are a special case with authentication and commonly comes up in the lab

DR / BDR Election on multi-access networks
– One router is elected the DR
-> highest priority
-> highest router-id
-> any manual router-id config
-> highest loopback address
-> highest physical interface address
– Another router which is second best is elected the BDR
– All routers for a fully adjacent neighborship with the DR and BDR
-> 2-WAY neighborship is formed with all other routers

SPF is a point-to-point protocol
– It doesn’t work on multi-access networks
– DR becomes a pseudo node to create a logical point-to-point network

Transit network means you have to go through the pseudo node

R3# sh ip ospf nei
R1      2-way / DROTHERS
R2      2-way / DROTHERS
R4      Full / BDR
R5      Full / DR

Changing Priority

int fa0/0
ip ospf priority <number>
-> 0 – 255 (higher is better)
-> 0 – no participation in election
-> 1 – default priority

OSPF Network Types
– Depending on the interface OSPF is activated on, it decides some properties to be used
-> Timers
-> DR / BDR
-> Type of neighborship

1. Broadcast Multi-access
2. Point-to-point
3. Non-broadcast Multi-access (NBMA)
4. Point-to-multipoint
5. Point-to-multipoint Non-broadcast

Frame-relay default to NBMA
– When it is setup as a hub and spoke
-> If a spoke is elected DR, the other spokes will not be able to communicate with the DR

int s0/0
ip ospf network <options>

sh ip ospf database
-> shows database header information

Link State Update (LSU)
– A set of LSAs (Link State Advertisements)
-> LSA 1 – Router LSA
-> LSA-ID – router-id
-> neighbors connected to a router
-> networks connected to a router
-> LSA 2 – Network LSA
-> LSA-ID – IP address of DR
-> Information about transit network ( DR / BDR / DROTHERS )
-> Originated by DR
-> LSA 3 – Summary LSA
-> LSA-ID – for every network in the other area
-> Created by ABR
-> Cost to reach network from the ABR
-> LSA 4 – ASBR Summary
-> LSA-ID – router-id of ASBR
-> Contains cost of ABR to reach ASBR
-> LSA 5 – AS-External
-> LSA-ID – external networks
-> Created by ASBR
-> Cost of ASBR to reach external networks
-> LSA 7 – Not-so-stubby-area (NSSA)
-> LSA-ID – external network
-> Created by ASBR
-> Cost of ASBR to reach external networks

sh ip ospf database <LSA type>
– router
– network
– summary
– asbr-summary
– as-external
– nsaa-external

OSPF Cost Calculation
– Cumulative cost of all exit interfaces towards destination

Cost of serial ethernet = 100 / 1.544 = 64
Cost of fast ethernet = 100 / 100 = 1
Cost of gigabit ethernet = 100 / 1000 = 1

Fast ethernet and Gigabit ethernet having the same cost is not a good thing

On the exam, if you see Gigabit ethernet interfaces, you may need to change the formula

router ospf 1
auto-cost reference-bandwidth <Mbps>

R3# sh ip ospf database route
-> shows the cost to R4’s connected network from R4’s point of view

The change cost
-> bandwidth manipulation
int s0/0
bandwidth 2000

int s0/0
ip ospf cost < 1 – 65535 >

R1 to
– Route #1 – R1 -> R2 -> R4 -> = cost of 66
– Route #2 – R1 -> R3 -> R5 -> = cost of 66

Scenario -> Change the cost in this diagram in such a way that R1 goes to by following the route R1 -> R2 -> R3 -> R5 ->

When asked a question about traffic engineering, always start at the end
-> R2’s link to R4 – ip ospf cost 3
-> R1’s link to R3 – ip ospf cost 67

OSPF Summarization
– Can be done on Area Border (ABR)
– Can be done on Domain Border (ASBR)
-> border between routing protocols
-You cannot summarize within an area
-> That would defeat the point of SPF

R2(config)# router ospf 1
area <source area> range <network> <subnet>

router ospf 1
area 0 range

R3(config)# router ospf 1
redistribute eigrp 1 subnets

Default Route

router ospf 1
default-information originate [always] [router-map <name>] [metric <value>] [metric-type [1|2]]
-> always
->without this keyword, the local router needs a default route in the routing table
-> with this keyword, the default route is injected regardless of a default route being represent in the local routing table
-> metric – default is 1

OSPF Filtering
– Filtering is only possible on Area Borders

router ospf 1
area <number> filter-list prefix <name> in | out

Scenario -> Filter lo0 of R3 from Area 0

R2(config)# ip prefix-list ABC deny
ip prefix-list ABC permit le 32

router ospf 1
area 0 filter-list prefix ABC in

It’s preferable to filter out of an area when multiple areas are present
– Filtering coming into an area does not stop the router from entering the database table
-> it can be filtered and prevented from entering the routing table

R1(config)# access-list 1 deny
access-list 1 permit any

router ospf 1
distribute-list 1 in

Not a good method;  it can cause problems, but will likely come up in the exam
– A static route pointing to NULL0 is much better, but static routes are heavily frowned upon in the exam

Filtering by Distance

router ospf 1
distance 255 <source> <wildcard> <acl>

Filtering External Routes

Scenario -> R3 is redistributing the following routes from EIGRP
– /24
– /24
– /24
– /24
-> Filer and when redistributing

R3(config)# router ospf 1
redistribute eigrp 1 subnets
summary-address not-advertise

Virtual Links
– Used to connect discontiguous areas and broken area 0
– A virtual link is a point-to-point link in area 0

ABR1 – ABR between backbone and transit area
ABR2 – ABR between transit area and discontiguous area


router ospf 1
area <transit area> virtual-link <router-id of other ABR>

R1(config)# router ospf 1
area 1 virtual-link

R2(config)# rotuer ospf 1
area 1 virtual-link

sh ip ospf interface

Stub Areas
– Stub area
– Totally stubby area
– Not-so-stubby-area (NSSA)
– Totally NSSA

Stub area
– Does not allow type 5 routes into the area
– All external routes (type 5) are filtered by ABR and replaced with one type 3 default route

Totally stubby area
– Do not allow type 3 or type 5 routes into the area

– Replaced with a type 3 default route

Stub Area Configuration
– On all routers in area 1, including the ABR

router ospf 1
area 1 stub

sh ip ospf
– lists areas and which ones are stubs

Totally Subby Area Configuration
– On all routers in the area except the ABR

router ospf 1
area 1 stub

– On ABR

router ospf 1
area 1 stub no-summary

– Stub area with redistribution possible
– It’s a stub area with an ASBR
– External routes created inside the NSSA are type 7
-> Because type 5 LSAs are not allowed in stub areas
– When type 7 LSAs reach an ABR between the NSSA and area 0, the LSAs are translated to type 5 LSAs by a “translator ABR”
– If multiple ABRs are present, there will be a translator election and the one with the highest router-id wins

If area 2 is filtering R6’s address from area 0, then after translation from type 7 to type 5, area 0 routes would not be able to reach the external routers from the NSSA

type 5
forwarding address ->
-> forwarding address would need to be suppressed when translated from type 7 to type 5

NSSA Configuration
– On all routers in the area, including the ABR

router ospf 1
area 2 nssa

Totally NSSA Configuration
– On all routers in the area, except the ABR

router ospf 1
area 2 nssa

– On the ABR

router ospf 1
area 2 nssa no-summary

To suppress forwarding address on translator ABR

router ospf 1
area 2 nssa translate type 7 supress-fa


– When no-redistribution is done, it will normally create type 5 and type 7 LSAs

– By using the keyword “no-redistribution”, the ABR is instructed not to generate type 7 LSAs

R4(config)# router ospf 1

area 2 nssa no-redistribution

-> Stub area – injects a default router type 3 LSA

-> Totally stubby area – injects a default route type 3 LSA

-> NSSA – no default route is injected

-> Totally NSSA – default router type 3 LSA

To inject a default router in a NSSA

router ospf 1

area 2 nssa default-information-originate

-> This will create a type 7 default route be injected into the NSSA


No OSPF Neighborship: 

– Interface not participating

-> Check passive interface configuration

-> show ip ospf int bri (IOS)

-> show ipv6 ospf int bri (IOS)

-> show ospf int bri (XR)

-> show ospfv3 int bri (XR)

– Hello interval mismatch

– MTU mismatch

– Area mismatch

– IP address / mask wrong

– Authentication error

OSPF Neighborship up:

– mismatch network types

-> broadcast and point-to-point

-> show ip ospf nei (IOS)

-> show ipv6 ospf nei (IOS)

-> one side shows “DR or BDR”, otherside shows “-”

-> show ospf nei (XR)

-> show ospfv3 nei (XR)

– no database exchange

-> show ip route ospf

-> show ipv6 route ospf

-> loopback of neighbor router comes from a different router

– Wrong router-id

Verification (IOS):

 – sh ip ospf int

 – sh ipv6 ospf int

 – sh ip ospf int bri

 – sh ipv6 ospf int bri

 – sh ip ospf nei

 – sh ipv6 ospf nei

 – sh ip protocols

 – sh ipv6 protocols

 – sh ipv6 ospf 

-> To check router-id

 – sh ip ospf database

 – sh ip ospf datebase | be Ex

 – sh ip ospf virtual-link

 – sh ip route ospf

 – sh ipv6 route ospf

 – debug ip ospf hello

 – debug ip routing

 – ping source lo0

 – ping 2002:2:2::8 source lo0

Verification (XR):

 – sh ospf int

 – sh ospf int bri

 – sh ospf nei

 – sh protocols

 – sh ospfv3 int

 – sh ospfv3 int bri

 – sh ospfv3 nei

 – sh protocols ipv6

 – sh route ipv4 ospf

      -> sh route ospf (also works)

 – sh route ipv6 ospf

 – ping source

 – pint 2002:2:2::2 source 2002:2:2::8


– Multicast FF02::5 – all routers

– Multicast FF02::6 – all DR routers

R1(config)# int s0/0

ipv6 ospf 1 area 0

ipv6 router ospf 1

ospf router-id


– Inside routing mode

ipv6 router ospf 1

area 0 range <summary address/nm>

Default Routing

– Inside routing mode

ipv6 router ospf 1

default-information originate [ always | route-map <name> ]


– Only distribute-list is supported

– Inter-area filtering is not supported

– Filtering is done on the local router between the database and the routing table

ipv6 router ospf

distribute-list prefix <name> in


– OSPFv3 supports IPsec authentication

-> Authentication

-> MD5

-> SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm)

-> Encryption

-> DES


-> AES

int s0/0

ipv6 ospf authentication ipsec spi 500 { md5 | sha1 } <password>

-> For MD5, password is 32 characters long

-> For SHA1, password is 40 characters long

ipv6 ospf encryption ipsec spi 500 { des | 3des | aes }

New LSAs and Changes

– LSA 8

-> Intra Area Prefixes

-> All connected networks of all routers within the area

– LSA 1

-> Only lists the neighbors / routers in the area

– LSA 9

-> Link LSA

-> It consists of the link-local address

-> Scope is link-local

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