BGP Filtering Notes
BGP Filtering
IP address based (numerical):
– neighbor <ip add> prefix-list <name> in | out
– neighbor <ip add> distribute-list <acl> in | out
– neighbor <ip add> route-map <name> in | out
AS Path based (string):
– neighbor <ip add> filter-list <as-path acl number> in | out
-> e.g. – 100 200 300 i
Regular Expressions are required to match and filter AS-PATH
ACL filtering in BGP with distribute-list
– Use extended ACLs
Source doesn’t need to be specified in the ACL because the ACL is referenced in the neighbor command.
access-list <number> permit | deny <protocol> <network> <wildcard> <subnet> <wildcard>
Filter-> Any network starting with 10.x.x.x and subnet mask of
access-list 100 deny ip
access-list 100 permit ip any any
access-list 100 deny ip
access-list 100 permit ip any any
Prefix-list and distribute-list cannot be applied to the same neighbor in the same direstion.
-> A route-map with multiple statements can get around this.
neighbor <ip add> filter-list <as-path acl> in | out
– as-path ACL can patch the as–path by using regular expressions
ip as-path access-list <number> permit | deny REXEXP
REGEXP works on character strings
– Every string has a start of the string and an end of the string
-> ^ – start
-> $ – end
^100 200$ – 9 character string (including the space between 100 and 200)
ip as-path access-list 1 deny 100
– Will match
-> 100
-> 1100
-> 1008
REGEXP Operators / Delimiters
? – 0 or 1 occurrence of the character
. – any character 0 – 9, but not a space
_ – start of string, end of string, or a space
^ – start of string
$ – end of string
[] – specific single character range, [123], [1-5]
^$ – locally originated
+ – 1 or more occurrences
* – 0 or more occurrences
.* – any number
ip as-path access-list 1 denty ^100_
– Will match:
-> 100 200 – yes
-> 100 – yes
-> 100 800 900 – yes
-> 1008 500 – no
– Will match:
-> 128
-> 138
-> 148
-> 158
– 5 will be there one time or will be missing
Match -> 100 200 300 or 100 300
-> ^100_200_300$
-> ^100_300$
– or –
-> ^100(_200)?_300$
Match -> ^100$, ^100_100$, and ^100_100_100$
-> ^(100_)+
– or –
-> (100_)+$
sh ip bgp regexp _100_
BGP Community
– Standard Community
-> 32-bit value
– Extended Community
-> 64-bit value
– Can be sent with updates and can be used to change path attributes
– Every router must have send-community set for all neighbors, otherwise the community values will be removed
Match a community and take action
-> if 100:50, increase local preference to 500
Set community
– In a route-map
Match community
– Community list, called in a route-map
ip community-list { 1-99 | 100-500 } permit | deny <community value>
– 1 – 99
-> Standard ACL
-> Simple numeric value
– 100 – 500
-> Extended ACL
-> REGEXP can be used
R3(config)# access-list 1 permit
route-map COMMUNITY
match ip add 1
set community 100:50
route-map COMMUNITY permit 20
router bgp 200
neighbor route-map COMMUNITY out
neighbor send-community
clear ip bgp out
clear ip bgp in
clear ip bgp
R1(config)# ip community-list 1 permite 100:50
route-map MATCH_COMM
match community 1
set local-preference 500
route-map MATCH_COM permit 20
router bgp 100
neighbor route-map MATCH_COMM
sh ip bgp
– Community: ______
-> will display 32-bit number
-> old format
ip bgp-community new-format
sh ip bgp
– Community: 100:50
-> new format
Well Known Community Values
– Update will not be sent to any eBGP neighbor
– Update will not be sent to any iBGP or eBGP neighbor
– Update will not be sent to another confederation
– Will add community to the existing list
R1(config)# route-map COMMUNITY
set community no-export
set community 100:50 additive
Deleting Community Values
R2(config)# ip community-list 1 permit 100:60
route-map DELETE
set com-list 1 delete
router bgp 200
neighbor route-map DELETE
neighbor send-community
BGP Remove Private-AS
– AS
-> 2 bytes
-> 1 – 65535
-> 64512 – 65534
-> Private AS numbers
– Removes any AS in the private AS range before sending updates to a neighbor
R3(config)# router bgp 100
neighbor remove-private-as
BGP Default Routing
1. network mask
-> Injects a default route to all neighbors
-> Needs a default route to be present in the routing table
2. neighbor <ip add> default-originate [route-map <name>]
-> Per neighbor
-> Default route does not need to be present in the routing table
BGP Dampening
– It is a procedure to suppress flapping routes
– It uses a penalty system where on every flap, a penalty value 1000 is associated with the route
– The moment the value is associated with the route, it starts decreasing on an exponential decay rate
– If the route gains a penalty value of 2000, the route is suppressed
-> Value called suppress limit
-> Can be changed
– Value has to decrease to 750 before the route is no longer suppressed
-> Value called the reuse limit
suppress limit
-> {P(0)}
reuse limit
-> {P(t)}
-> t in minutes
-> The time in minutes the router will take to reduce the penalty to half of the suppress limit
-> default is 15 minutes
Max suppress time
-> 4 * half-life
-> 60 minutes by default
Scenario -> Configure BGP Dampening on R1 so that if a route flaps 6 times, it is suppressed; the penalty should reach 3000 after 40 minutes; the route should be reusable after the penalty reaches 2000.
suppress limit -> 6000
half-life -> 40 minutes
reuse limit -> 2000
max suppress time -> 160 minutes
router bgp 100
bgp dampening 40 2000 6000 160
Scenario -> Dampen route if it flaps 3 times, unsuppress it when the penalty reaches 1000, half-life is 20 minutes
R1(config)# access-list 1 permit
route-map DAMPENING
match ip add 1
set dampening 20 1000 3000 80
route-map DAMPENING permit 20
router bgp 100
bgp dampening route-map DAMPENING
sh ip bgp dampening parameters
sh ip bgp dampening dampened-paths
sh ip bgp dampening flap-statistics
sh ip bgp
d> -> dampened, currently up
h> -> history, another router suppressed, currently down
BGP Timers
– Keepalive
-> 60 seconds
– Holddown
-> 180 seconds
router bgp 100
bgp timer 30 90
Batch Updates
– BGP holds the new updates to be sent to a neighbor according to the following timer
-> iBGP – 5 seconds
-> eBGP – 30 seconds
– Also called advertise-interval
– If set to 0, updates are sent immediately
router bgp 100
neighbor <ip add> advertisement-interval <seconds>
BGP Scan Time
– By default, BGP scans the BGP table for changes every 60 seconds
router bgp 100
bgp scan-time <seconds>
BGP AS-Override / AllowAS-In
– If the link between R4 <-> R5 is goes down, R6 will not be able to reach R7
R1(config)# router bgp 100
neighbor as-override
neighbor as-override
-> update to R3
-> 100 100 i
– or –
R2(config)# router bgp 200
neighbor allowas-in
R3(config)# router bgp 200
neighbor allowas-in
– Accept updates that contain our own AS in the path
– Should be used as a temporary solution only while the link between R4 <-> R5 is down