BGP Troubleshooting Notes
%BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: received from neighbor (unsupported/disjoint capability)
-> Means you forgot to activate the neighbor in the IPv6 address-family
-> If the neighbor is PE – CE eBGP, on the CE side you forgot to send-label to the neighbor in the address-family ipv4
Verification (IOS):
sh bgp sum
sh bgp ipv6 u sum
sh bgp
sh bpg ipv6 u
sh bgp ipv4 unicast sum
sh bgp ipv6 unicast sum
sh ip bgp nei
-> detailed neighbor information
sh bgp ipv6 nei
-> detail neighbor information
sh bgp bgp ipv4 u nei
sh bgp ipv6 u nei 2002:9:9::2
sh ip protocols
sh ipv6 protocols
sh tcp brief
sh ip route bgp
sh ipv6 route bgp
sh bgp vpnv4 u all sum
sh bgp vpnv4 u all
sh bgp vpnv6 u all sum
sh bgp vpnv6 u all
sh bgp vpnv4 u all labels
-> Output will display the MPLS labels
sh bgp vrf ABC all sum
sh bgp vrf ABC all
sh ip protocols vrf ABC
sh ipv6 protocols vrf ABC
debug ip tcp transactions
debug ip bgp
Verify redistribution:
sh ip route bgp
sh ip ospf database
-> Are the BGP routes in the OSPF database
sh ipv6 route bgp
sh ipv6 eigrp topology
-> Are the BGP routes in the EIGRP topology?
sh ip route ospf
sh bgp
-> Are the OSPF routes in the BGP table?
sh ipv6 route eigrp
sh bgp ipv6 u
-> Are the EIGRP routes in the BGP table?
Verification (XR):
sh bgp
sh bgp ipv4 unicast sum
sh bgp ipv6 unicast sum
sh protocols bgp
sh protocols ipv6 bgp
sh bgp neighbors
sh route ipv4 bgp
sh route ipv6 bgp
sh bgp vpnv4 u sum
sh bgp vpnv4 u
sh bgp vpnv6 u sum
sh bgp vpnv6 u
sh bgp vpnv4 unicast labels
traceroute vrf ABC
-> Output will display the MPLS labels
sh bgp vpnv4 u vrf ABC bestpath-compare
-> Shows the received label
sh bgp vpnv6 u labels
ping vrf ABC
ping vrf ABC
sh ipv4 vrf ABC int bri
sh ipv6 vrf ABC int bri
sh route vrf ABC
sh route vrf ABC ipv6 u
sh bgp vrf ABC sum
sh bgp vrf ABC ipv4 u sum
sh bgp vrf ABC ipv6 u sum
sh bgp vrf ABC nei
sh bgp vrf ABC ipv6 u nei
sh bgp vrf ABC
sh bgp vrf ABC ipv6 u