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Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Notes

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

R1(config)# int s0/0

 encapsulation ppp

On the exam, they will always ask for authentication


 – Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

     -> Plain text

     -> One way or two way

     -> One time authentication

 – Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

     -> Encrypted

     -> Periodic authentication

PPP Authentication

 – Server / Client authentication

     -> Server (authenticator) authenticates by comparing received credentials with the security database

     -> Client (authenticated) sends credentials to be authenticated

R1(config)# username R2 password CISCO

int s0/0

 encapsulation ppp

 ppp authentication pap

R2(config)# int s0/0

 encapsulation ppp

 ppp pap sent-username R2 password CISCO


R1(config)# username R2 password CISCO

int s0/0


 ppp authentication chap

R2(config)# int s0/0


 ppp chap hostname R2

     -> sent as username

 ppp chap password CISCO

 – If the ppp chap hostname is not configured, the router hostname will be sent as the username

Mutual Authentication

R1(config)# username R1 password CISCO

int s0/0

 encapsulation ppp

 ppp authentication chap

R2(config)# username R2 password CISCO

int s0/0

 encapsulation ppp

 ppp authentication chap

Multi Link Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP)

R1(config)# int s0/0

 encapsulation ppp

 ppp multilink

 ppp multilink group 1

int s0/1

 encapsulation ppp

 ppp multilink

 ppp multilink group 1

int multilink1

 ip address

 ppp multilink

 ppp multilink group 1

In IOS 12.4, the multilink interface number has to match the group number


 – Frame level

 – Divided equally

 – Should be used on high end routers

show ppp multilink

show int multilink1


sh ppp int <int>

sh ppp all

sh int <int>

ping <ip address>

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